Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fire Truck... Fire Truck...

Every year, I read this book to my class called Fire Truck by Ivan Ulz. The book came with a cd that sings a song as the pages go along. The kids absolutely LOVE this song and end up singing it all week, and sometimes for the rest of the year. :)
I've been doing this every year, and didn't realize that it's on youtube with the pictures from the book and the song! I'm so excited to use this in my class!

I also created another sound box lesson to go with the last one I posted. This time, the kids have to look at Halloween picture cards and move candy corn pieces into the spots as they hear the sounds. 
Here are the directions:

1.          Print the sound boxes into strips (5 boxes per strip) and laminate.
2.          Print the candy corn pieces and cut into individual pieces (each piece only containing 1 candy corn). Laminate pieces.
3.          Print the picture cards and laminate.
4.          Each child will get a baggie with a sound box strip and five candy corn pieces.
5.          The teacher will hold up the picture cards.
6.          Each child will move a candy corn piece into each spot for every sound that they hear, starting from the left. (Ex. cat has three sounds/phonemes= /c//a//t/, so the child will put three candy corn pieces in starting from the left side and filling in each spot next to it until three spots have been filled.
7.          Show each picture card and have the students listen for the sound and fill in the appropriate number of boxes.
8.          This can be used in small group, as a whole group lesson in a pocket chart and then placed in a center!


Anonymous said...

thanks for this great content this is really very informative and useful!

Las Vegas Fire Extinguisher Service

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